30 Days Money Back Guarantee!
Before making a purchase, we advise users to TRY our products through trial or demo editions to ensure they meet your needs. The demo edition will give you a good idea of how the software functions and will expedite the decision-making process. If you encounter any issues with the DEMO versions, you can contact our technical support team for assistance in resolving the issue. Alternatively, you can send an email to support@bitdatamigration.com.
Before making a purchase, we advise users to TRY our products through trial or demo editions to ensure they meet your needs. The demo edition will give you a good idea of how the software functions and will expedite the decision-making process. If you encounter any issues with the DEMO versions, you can contact our technical support team for assistance in resolving the issue. Alternatively, you can send an email to support@bitdatamigration.com.
Refunds are applicable if the license edition of the Software malfunctions, as stated in the DEMO version. Our technical support staff will attempt to fix the problem initially. In order to analyze and fix the issue, the user must provide the files to our labs if deemed necessary. You can request a refund if our support staff is unable to resolve the issue; your request will be handled right away.
For further clarification or query, you can contact our support team directly at contact@bitdatamigration.com.
Every purchase is completed online. A registration key will be mailed to your email address within 15 minutes of completing the transaction, after successful processing of the payment. If the registration code is not sent to you, it can be in your spam or junk mail folder. If the email is not found in the Junk/Spam folder as well, please email sales@bitdatamigration.com to get in touch with our sales staff. You can request a refund if you don't hear back from us within a day.