Terms and Conditions

We are thankful for your visit to our site. This availability of this website to users and visitors is subjected to your compliance to the terms and conditions laid by BitData Migration. BitData Migration provides the entire information and content to its users as per following terms. Violation of these terms will call for stringent action against the violator. By visiting our website, you agree to these terms of use.

All the content available on https://www.bitdatamigration.com website, inclusive of text, images, videos, logo, software, demo download files etc. belong to bitdatamigration.com. Copying, editing, modifying, republishing, uploading, transmitting, distributing any of the content in its entirety or in part, without written permission of BitData Migration, is completely prohibited.

Illegal use of BitData Migration’s property without permission would be accounted as a violation of the Terms of Use and direct breach of copyright.

bitdatamigraiton.com reserves the right to alter, change, modify any or all the Terms and Conditions at any time. Once the changes are made on the website, these will come into effect immediately.

E-Communication or Electronic Communication refers to the interaction or contact established between bitdatamigration.com and the users, via email. All third parties/users come to an agreement that all the notices, agreements, disclosures and all other documents delivered by company’s authorized email, amounts to equal value as they are presumed to be the hardcopy of company’s valuable assets.

All the rules and regulations are subjected to the Government of India. All the disputes will be subjected to the Jurisdiction of New Delhi, Delhi (India) only.

The copyright disputes are registered under the Indian Copyright Act, 1957. bitdatamigration.com secures the right to take obligatory action against the violator.

With internet’s global presence, users or visitors agree to accept all the protocols on the internet, including, without limitation, internet rules and regulations, logo, data, email, privacy, copyright, trademark flouting rules, and all other related information. Moreover, users also agree to conform with applicable laws pertaining to the technical data accessed from the country where user resides.